Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sleepy Time

It's 1 am on Sunday morning and instead of sleeping, which is what I thought I wanted to do, I am writing in this blog. Sorry this week has been a little slow on posts. Due to fighting a cold and the massive amounts of work that I am piling on myself I have not had time to write anymore.

My work seems overwhelming. I am working on publishing the Centennial Edition of Student World. The work is currently slow and tedious. I know it will turn out well, but right now I just feel very unmotivated. I also think there is more work than I know what to do with - but I hope that will pass.

I am also getting more and more excited about my video project that I'm working on. Luckily, I am staying here in Geneva to finish it. I really hope it goes well. I am currently writing a Bible Study for this project. I've never written a Bible Study. I have led Bible Studies many times, but I have never written one for others to lead. This task is daunting. I am really putting myself out there. I will put my opinion and interpretation on the internet(s) for people that I have never met, and probably never will meet, to use as a model for their discussion around the Bible, this most holy text. Who am I to try and help people understand the Bible? I have no official training. I have only my experiences. I've found that often when I was leading Bible Studies (during my college years oh so long ago) that I what I planned would not be where we would go. Or that the insight that I got from the people I was studying with was so much deeper than anything I could have come up with on my own. It is daunting for me to take this Bible Study and say that I have expertise to tell others how to interpret the Bible. However, since we believe in a priesthood of all believers, perhaps I do have the expertise. Perhaps I should trust that Holy Spirit can work through my imperfect words and my imperfect thoughts.

I am just feeling a little overwhelmed with all the tasks I have to do. Next week will be a busy one.

On a positive note, I will get to go to Romania for the European Regional Conference in October. Very excited about that too!

1 comment:

  1. 'priesthood of all believers' is a protestant concept (assuming i understand it correctly). for traditional catholics, one of their beliefs is that only someone - i.e. a priest - who has gone through years of training should be trusted with guiding others in bible interpretation. the training got pretty lax right before the reformation, unfortunately for the catholics; but then the jesuits were founded and they had some hard-core training indeed, in an effort at self-reformation. i am sure you will do fine though. just wanted to point out the distinction as something interesting, and get clarification from others if my understanding is not correct.
