Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I suppose I am procrastinating

I suppose I am procrastinating because my To Do List is just getting longer and my blog is not on it. Yet, here I am writing this blog. I am procrastinating.

Normally I procrastinate when I have work that I do not want to do. However, I am looking forward to the work that I'm doing. (well... sort of). It's like when I was in college and had papers to write. I looked forward to having the papers done. I didn't actually look forward to the process of writing them. I looked forward to printing them out (or emailing them in) and then being done. I knew I would get the paper done (and well if I might be so humble) before the deadline. I only asked for an extension once my entire time in college. I usually made good grades, even if it meant staying up all night (or more likely going to bed early and waking up at an ungodly hour to finish my paper). I am honestly a morning person. Or perhaps I work better when there are deadlines. I need to know that I have to turn something in by midnight on September 15. I will turn it in at 12:59. (or If don't think the email will be checked until 8 am - I might send it in at 7:30 am). I need this pressure. I work under this pressure. I work when there is pressure. When there is no pressure everything is amorphous and I end up procrastinating.

Alright now that I've spent an extra 15 minutes writing this I will go back to my work.

On another note - I am going to Lugano this weekend. For this conference. (sorry it's only in French, German and Italian). I am looking forward to getting a taste of Swiss Politics. I haven't really learned much yet about what is going on here in the political realm. I can't even tell you the Prime Minister or President of Switzerland. (the wikipedia article I linked actually tells me that Switzerland doesn't have a Prime Minister or a President, in the traditional sense of the word). Interesting....

Done procrastinating!

1 comment:

  1. i love wikipedia for that ;))

    but a human is never done procrastinating i think.
