Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Year

It is officially 2011. This past year flew by. I realized that I updated this blog half as much in 2010 as I did in 2009. Perhaps I did not have an incentive - perhaps I did not feel that my activities were as blog worthy. My life here in Austin is just as interesting, if not as seemingly important.

On Tuesday, where I volunteer, I led the devotional and based it on this passage.

n this passage Jesus is interrogated by Pharisee, Nicodemus, to see if he really is from God. His cryptic response says that to enter the Kingdom of God one must be born again. He then goes on to say that the Spirit of God blows where no one knows. I see Jesus restating the message I'm always seeing in the gospels. Jesus doesn't care for the structures of society - and that we don't know where we're going - but God loves us no matter our situation. We can see the first because Jesus is being trapped by this Pharisee, (the ones with power in the 'Church' of that day) but he does not fall for it. Instead he talks in enigmatic expressions and does not let the Pharisee hold his status above him. Jesus says you cannot come into the Kingdom unless you are a baby and powerless (born again). Then, when the Pharisee refuses to see this message Jesus points out that only God, the Spirit knows the future. We are trying to so hard here to create some semblance of control of our lives; of our surroundings; of our perceptions - but in reality we have no control. This is what Jesus is saying: God knows and God's spirit is with us, no matter where we find ourselves, no matter our station in society.

I really enjoy leading the devotional where I volunteer. I pray that my words can give God's hope to the women that I serve on Tuesdays.

When I started this post I meant it to be about the new year coming up, but perhaps it is fitting that I do not write about that because we do not know where the Spirit is blowing us.