Friday, January 2, 2009

Finding Money

I try and find the symbolic meaning in the events in my life. I recently have found, on the ground, $35 dollars. This of course, I believe, has a more symbolic meaning.

First, at work on the other side of the counter I found a twenty dollar bill, just lying there. I saw it and realized that it had probably fallen out of the pocket of a customer. So I took it outside and asked the people that were sitting there sipping their coffee if anyone had lost some money. One woman replied that she had. So I gave her the $20.

Second, on the night before New Year's Eve I was out with friends at a Karaoke Bar. (So much fun!) Right before we left, on the ground by the bar, was a ten dollar bill. I looked around. I asked around. No one seemed to know who it belonged to. I kept it.

Third, on New Year's Eve I was out walking at my coffee shop and talking on the phone and I looked down and there in the gravel by the bike rack was a five dollar bill. There was no one around me. I kept that one too.

These instances of finding money are symbolic to me because one of the major things in my life right now is trying to raise enough money so that I can make my job in Geneva a reality. I have to believe that if this is what God wants for me the money will appear. I believe that by finding this money God is telling me that the money I need for Geneva is there I just need to look. I was telling my friend Liz about this this afternoon and she said, "Well what is the symbolic meaning in the fact that you gave the first twenty dollars back to the woman?" Good question.

My answer is that I need to always remember where the money comes from. The money I am going to get to go to Geneva is not my money. It is going to come from the people that choose to partner with me. More importantly, it is going to come from God. I need to be willing to give the money not just look to receive the money. I think that is the symbolic meaning in my recent finds.

There is a lot of hard work ahead of me. I know that if I am going to find the money for my future in Geneva I need to start looking.

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