Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Support from the Diocese of Texas!

I am excited to say that the Diocese of Texas has decided to support me during my time in Geneva by giving me $500.00. I am so grateful and happy that they have decided to work with me and with the WSCF in this way.

Two days ago, I had a conversation with my future boss in Geneva. That was the first time I'd spoken with him since my interview a few weeks ago. I was slightly nervous about our conversation; I was more nervous about my fundraising and my ability to actually go to Geneva in a month. During our conversation we talked about funding, my visa and my housing situation. I am feeling more confident that all of these will work themselves out as I prepare to go to Geneva.

I have now had two people support me. My first donation came from a good friend of mine who now lives in China. Her congratulations and check mean a lot to me. I am very excited about the possibility that I will actually raise enough money. Although what enough is seems to be a very unclear term.

My fundraising is still a priority for me, although I am feeling much more confident about it. In order to facilitate fundraising I have put a "Donate" button on this blog. It is located directly under my Profile. I am using PayPal to make this possible. However, this money goes directly to me, so it is NOT tax deductible. IF you would like to make a tax deductible donation, I will include those instructions in a future post later today (or tomorrow). My cousin Lloyd was very helpful in getting this little button on this webpage. I appreciate his help! He also helped me track who comes to this site. Thanks Lloyd!

I am in the final stages of my official support letter. I am hoping to mail that out tomorrow. I have all the information I need, I just need to edit it one final time.

This week has been a very busy one for me. I am still working about 40 hours a week and trying to do this fundraising. It has been a long time since I've actively done so much. I haven't had to work all that hard since college. I am enjoying it, although I remember how tired I was all during college and I now understand why. ;)

A busy and fulfilling week! I will put my letter on this blog as soon as I have it finalized. If you would like a snail mail copy of it please, please send me your address. I will include an envelope so that you can make donations to the WSCF Trustees in New York. That way your donations can be tax deductible.

I am feeling so blessed and loved right now. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. you're right - that donate button is WAY cool. i haven't clicked it (yet) ... but.. oh, the temptation... its also gotten me started thinking what i could do by learning how to put donate buttons on my own pages and what the tax consequences would be for me if people actually clicked on them. i guess they would be treated as gifts.
