Friday, June 12, 2009

Tracking my blog

One of the first things I did when I started this blog was to install a tracking code. Through google analytics I can find out how many people visit my blog etc. (Actually I can find out quite a bit of information - like where people come from and how long they stay and what site refers them and if they found my blog through a search engine, which words they typed - sort of creepy, eh?)

Up until May, the number of hist on my blog has been steadily increasing. I liked that. It made me feel like this blog thing was really a good idea. More and more people were checking it out - maybe this blog was actually serving a purpose. I also liked to guess who was visiting my blog from Ireland and who in Zurich or India is reading my blog. I have an idea - but as I have a few friends in Dublin I don't know which one of them is the one reading my blog - or if it's all of them. It made me feel like my friends back in the US (which is by far the country with the most hits - understandably) had not forgotten about me. Who is reading my blog in Florida?

In May, I noticed that my numbers were going down. I started to wonder if people had forgotten about me. I was starting to feel like there was no point for me to post anymore because fewer people are reading this blog. I was also much busier at work so I had less time to look at the map and see exactly where the people in China had come from. I had less time for my blog. I was also feeling generally stressed and did not feel like I had positive things to share. All of this led to me posting less. If you notice, I posted a total of 9 blog updates in May, compared with 18 in April. The point of this is that, in actuality it was not my friends that changed their reading habits - it was me that had changed. I couldn't see that though.

I think this is a good life lesson. When we think other people have a problem we should first look at ourselves and see how we relate to the issue. I thought my friends were just forgetting about me - in reality I was forgetting to tell them about me. The total number of hits did not drop as dramatically as my posts. That actually means that my friends are more loyal than I am. I need to remember this so that next time I think someone else has a problem I can stop and see if I'm really the one with the problem.

There is a prayer by St. Francis that goes like this :

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console,

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

It is in dying that we are born to eternal life!

I hope that I can live this prayer -after all prayer is how we live our lives.


  1. Keep telling us about your experiences Maryann! I truly do enjoy reading them (even if I don't check back as often as I should)...

  2. yep keep posting. sometimes i dont get to non-work stuff until really late at night, and i decide that i had better sleep instead. (by "work" stuff i mean working on some computer utilities i am writing while i look for a job online). so sometimes i dont get to the posts and end up missing them.

  3. You might consider too Maryann that some people (like me) read blogs from RSS feeds rather than always visiting the site. So don't let your numbers get you down!

  4. I've always loved that prayer but it was also very difficult for me when Margaret Thatcher came to power and quoted it on the doorstep of 10 downing street! I was pretty upset!
    Keep blogging - not for your readers - though we love it - but for yourself. It's good to write.
