Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer time

It is feeling like summer here in Geneva. This weekend we had beautiful weather. It was about 85 degrees Fahrenheit and 30 degrees Celsius. I think that is about the perfect temperature - it could be a few degrees warmer, but I like it. It was nice and sunny on Saturday. I went down to the lake with some friends and just sat and enjoyed the lake and the crowds of people that had decided to also enjoy the lake front there. Just beautiful.

I am back to work now and even though it is a little cloudier today the weather is still pretty nice. However, instead of being out by the lake I am in an office with a window open so that I can listen to the sounds of birds muffled by the sounds of traffic and airplanes. Ahh.. Geneva.

Work is going rather well. I am doing some funding applications that I hope are promising. I am also working on a project with the WCC about eradication of violence against women that I am very excited about. This project is really just starting to get off the ground and I am looking forward to being able to see it through. This morning we spent a large portion of our meeting discussing the different forms of violence against women. You have to know what you are fighting against. I realized just how pervasive this violence is and how even I, a white woman from the United States have internalized the opopressive ideas and actions that contribute to violence. I suppose that is why this project is going to be useful. By sharing stories of hope and overcoming this violence we can show women like me, and women all over the world that change is possible. I hope and pray that this project will work out. It is going to take a lot of work - but I am looking forward to it.


  1. Well, I really hope it wasn't 85 degrees celsius...

  2. Eileen - I am so glad you read my blog! Thanks for catching my mistake about temperature. I fixed it. My Dad also caught a mistake. I guess proofreading really is useful. ;)
