Wednesday, February 11, 2009

procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate....

I have been putting off writing in my blog for a few days now. I haven't written since the 5th!

A lot has happened since then. The biggest news is that my nephew, Jacob Oliver Philbrook was born on February 5th at 6:46 pm. He is a perfect little boy. I adore him! I am very excited to be an aunt again. I am also very glad that I am close enough right now to spend time with my brother and sister-in-law as they are beginning their parenting adventure. It is a miracle that after nine months a perfect little person comes into the world. I am in awe of how perfect that process is.

In a much less exciting note, but still maintaining the theme of miracles, one of my friends here in Austin gave me a pair of boots on the 5th also. (I actually wore them to the hospital to "try" them). I had just hours earlier been lamenting the fact that I did not have any winter boots nor any money to buy them. Then Eileen, when I told her that I did not have boots, offered me her boots. She only wore them a few times; they are Ugg brand but not typical Ugg style (which means they are cute and warm!). I am so grateful to her. They are going to be perfect for Geneva. I am so glad. I am always amazed at how my prayers seem to be heard and answered. I shouldn't be amazed because this is who God says God's self is - yet I am still amazed because I can't seem to see how it will all work out.

I have been reading the book of Job recently. I finished it last night. However, the main theme I got out of it was that we really don't know anything of God's justice or God's plans for our lives. All we can do is live our lives as think God is calling us to live them and then pray and be grateful. The just are treated injustly an the unjust and treated well. Yet we have no control over that. God treats all people justly and I suppose I will try and have faith in that.

Small update on fundraising - I got another $30.00 from a good friend. I also have pledges from my sister-in-law's parents in England (other sister-in-law not the one that just gave birth) and my sister-in-law's parents in Lousiana (the sister-in-law that is the new mother). I am very excited that so many relatives and loved ones want to support me. I am also meeting, hopefully, with the priest from St. Michael's tomorrow to thank him for his donation. Maybe I will brainstorm with him about other ways of coming up with funding. I also received in the mail 50 copies of the WSCF 2007 Annual report. It details all the things they did in 2007. After reading that I am even more excited about going to work with them. If anyone in the Austin are would like a copy, please let me know the next time you see me.

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