Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

There is nothing too interesting going on in my fundraising and my preparations for Geneva. I feel that I have hit a stagnant state of my preparations. I still have things I could be doing (my To Do list is VERY long) but I even so I feel like I have done about as much as I can do. Fr. Jeff (at St. James) had an idea that people who have already given support to me stand up during our service at six o'clock and say that they are supporting. Maybe then other people in the service will do the same. Two of my friends are more than willing to do that for me. Another woman in the church, who gave me money, is not willing to. I completely understand her reasoning - but I wish she could because I think she is influential in the church. But I respect her decision to do that.

I am leaving in just about one month, hopefully. I guess I need to start packing and thinking about all those type of things. I am such a last minute packer that I just assume that I will be in a frenzy the night before I leave and stay up until a few hours before my plane takes off. I now have more things to add to my To Do List.

I suppose I'm also getting nervous about actually going. I somehow feel like I hoodwinked these people into giving me this job. The WSCF is even more amazing and awesome than I thought they were. I recently read their Annual Report from 2007. It sounds like they are doing such great stuff around the world. They want me to help them continue to do it. I am just in awe of the work that the students involved with SCM's are doing. The more I learn about the WSCF the more I am so excited to be a part of their mission. I hope that I can help them to keep on doing the work that they are doing. Part of the reason that I feel inadequate is because that there is always this idea that extraordinary people do these extraordinary things. In reality it is normal people and everyday people that do these extraordinary things. I know I'm not anything extraordinary - but the work that the WSCF does is DEFINITELY extraordinary. I somehow feel that I should be extraordinary too.

All of these emotions are coupled with my emotions of sadness and fear at leaving a place that I've called home for the past 8 months. At the same time I am excited to have a place to come back to. I can still call Austin home, even if I happen to live in Geneva for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. if you have access to a computer while you are there, then you will be in contact with austin even with an entire ocean apparently blocking the way. (the following said with a thick french accent, accenting the 2nd syllables : marie-anne...courrrage!)
