Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Relax in a hurry

I am safe and sound in Geneva!

I wrote this in the airport yesterday, but I didn't want to pay to get online so I am posting it now. I am currently at the WSCF (World Student Christian Federation) offices in Geneva.

I am sitting in the Houston Airport waiting for my second flight of the day. I have three more to go. I hate waiting in lines. I really HATE it. If there is a way for me to not wait in line I will take it. If there is a way that I can just not do the thing I’m waiting in line for, I’ll probably take that possibility. For example, I was at the grocery store last week with Kim. We had a few items to buy and there was an “express” line. We could have gone in that line; however there were two people in front of me. I wanted to go and see if there was another line that I could find where I wouldn’t have to wait at all. Kim called me out on it and we waited in line for all of five minutes. I am glad I have friends who call me out when I’m being a bit ridiculous. That being said, I am rather patient when I do not have to wait in line. I’ve never been bothered sitting for hours at an airport. Riding in a car for hours on end to get somewhere is fine with me. I just kill time, as long as I’m not waiting in a line.

Airports seem obsessed with “First Class” or “Elite” passengers. If you are an Elite Passenger please board now. Everyone else wait. If you are First Class please board first. There is a “Preferred Flier” lounge. There are the credit cards you can buy that give you extra points for spending money on flights. There are chairs you can pay to sit in “First Class Seats.” Under the lighted sign that tells you how wonderful you’ll feel if you pay to sit in these plush leather arm chairs are the words “Relax in a hurry.” Relax in a hurry. How do you do that? If you’re in a hurry you’re not relaxed. If you’re relaxed you’re not in a hurry. Quick, let me relax so that I can get back to my stressful life. Let me get back to my stressful life so that I can pay to be better than everyone else.

I also started reading a book by Donald Miller, Searching for God Knows What. I like it so far. It was a going away present from a very special friend. I am sure I will enjoy reading it more on the rest of my flights.

1 comment:

  1. hooray you made it !

    i used to work in dallas, and one of the things i didn't like about it there was that at the coffee shop i would go to every morning (surprise) the people were always in a hurry. everyone got their coffee to go. i would always get my coffee "for here" and sit there and read for an hour before going to work. one person assumed i was a student and asked me what i was studying. "i'm not actually studying" i said. "i'm reading for fun". she looked confused. that's one of the things i really like about austin over dallas. people tend to be more laid back. I like savoring time as opposed to just swallowing it.
