Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Things are seeming a little overwhelming here right now. I have been so focused on leaving and saying goodbye and spending time with people that I have been neglectful of my fundraising. Now things have piled up a bit and I am feeling overwhelmed. I am also overwhelmed by all my wonderful friends here. I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

I also think that I am daunted by the fact that I am actually going to go to Geneva without enough money to support me for an entire year. I am really relying on my faith. I have raised as much money as I had hoped to by this time, but I am still short of my entire salary. However, as one of my coworkers constantly reminds me, God will provide. I am going to live as if I had faith. I will live it until it becomes true. I suppose that is what faith is. I still feel overwhelmed, though.

Yesterday I did spend some time working on my fundraising. Instead of going out with one of my friends I wrote Thank You notes to the people from my Church here in Austin that have given me money. I also called the priest from my Church in Los Angeles and talked with her about my trip. Unfortunately they cannot give me any monetary support, although I am sure their prayers will be with me. Prayers are very valuable. Perhaps even more valuable than direct support.

If I am going to be living like I have faith I suppose I have to let go of my fears that overwhelm me. Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. hooray the ability to post a comment has returned. the swallows of the field are protected, so you will be too
