Wednesday, March 10, 2010

update on the job thing

I always do the "right" thing. I am going to quit my job in just a few minutes today. Last week I was offered two jobs. In my bright wisdom I decided to try and to do both. This is not working, even though I have not yet even started one of them. I start there on Friday.

I'm definitely nervous - but I think I need to do this for my own sanity. I need to be able to walk away from something, simply because I want to. I have to look at myself and say that my mental health and happiness is more important than the obligations that I have to this place where I am quitting. I know that this will let some people down - but sometimes you need to do this. I know this sounds weird, but I need to do it.

It is also purely selfish. I have two friends coming into town this week (one arriving tomorrow and one arriving a week from today) and I was scheduled to work when they were arriving. I know that is not a good reason to quit a job, but it is one of the factors that put my over the fence.

I also decided to quit sooner rather than later to save them the time and money of training me. I got my schedule and all of my shifts are still "training" shifts, this means that they won't really miss me because I am not being depended on to cover any responsibilities. I think it is better for me, and for them to quit now before I am a "real" part of the team.

Perhaps I am being silly, but I think it will be good for me, mentally and physically.

The conversation was less than one minute. I did it.

1 comment:

  1. I love this: "I need to be able to walk away from something, simply because I want to. I have to look at myself and say that my mental health and happiness is more important than the obligations that I have to this place where I am quitting."

    As a woman, a helper, and a care taker I often find this difficult. Congrats, hope you enjoy the time with your friends.
