Thursday, March 4, 2010


I live in Texas. This may not come as a shock to most of you, however sometimes I find myself shocked that I live here.

I am pretty liberal, or progressive, or whatever you want to call it. However, I often forget that I am living in one of the reddest states out there. I was driving home today and noticed the bumper stickers on the truck in front of me. There were two that stuck out to me.

First was a sticker in support of Debra Medina. She was challenging Rick Perry for the Republican nominee for governor of Texas. Medina is so conservative that she makes former governor of Texas, George W. Bush, look like a liberal. However, her platform of eliminating property tax (in a state that has already eliminated income tax) seemed very popular here. She still managed to get 18.5% of the vote. Pretty impressive, especially since her campaign had taken a dive after her appearance on Glen Beck's radio show, where she did not deny that she was a "9-11 truther". Quite a candidate.

Second was a sticker that read "Texas permit to hunt terrorists no 91101". I have no problem with someone having different view points than me. In fact, I am happy the world is not made up of Maryann clones. However, I object to this dehumanization of terrorists. As a Christian, I cannot be for someone hunting terrorists as if they were animals. God created all people in God's image. How can I say that someone has lost that piece of God and is so far removed that I am permitted to hunt that person, as one hunts deer. I cannot do that. God created all the people of this world, not just the Americans.

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