Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Privatization and the Olympics

I have never really been a big Olympics person.  I mean, I guess they're a big deal, but I've never gone out of my way to watch them on TV. 

But, despite that, I think I understand something of the spirit of the Olympics.  They are about building community.  They are about the human need for competition - our desire to prove our skills.  In a way this is about proving that one community is better than another but it is also a chance to celebrate the human spirit. 

This understanding of the Olympic games is why I was so disheartened when I heard about the strict rules around use of the Olympic logo.  I heard a piece on NPR where they described how a local flower shop had been forced to remove their Olympic ring shaped flower design.  The only companies that are legally allowed to even mention the Olympics or use their logo are the 'official' sponsors like McDonald's, Visa or Coca Cola.  These giant corporations pay huge sums of money to ensure that they are associated with these games that celebrate the very nature of humanity.  Yet, in stripping away the rights of all people to use the logo and be a part of the games we are in fact creating a society where companies are people. 

Perhaps some day it will not be the United States vs. Canada vs. Russia.  No instead it will be Coca Cola vs. McDonald's vs. Visa.  We are living in a society where even the Olympic games, which celebrate the essence of our humanity, are bought and paid for by corporations.    I hope, and pray, that we will be able to reclaim some sort of human claim on the Olympic games.

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