Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Taking Jesus to the People

This morning I attended a hearing on D069 which I heard about last night through Twitter.  The testimony that was being given was on Twitter almost as instantly as it was said in the committee.  The Chair of the Committee responded to a Tweet from another member of the Committee during their discussion.  This subject of D069 was Social Media in the Churches. 
This afternoon I followed the proceedings in both houses via Livestreaming and Twitter.  I knew exactly which resolutions were being discussed and what the testimony was about.  I was sitting in my hotel room. 
It is still official policy that no one can Tweet from the House of Bishops.  Social Media is a tool that the Church needs to embrace.  In this morning's testimony a member of the official Youth Presence argued that since Jesus reached out to the People where they were, we too are called to reach out to people where they are.  They are on the Social Media. However, we cannot begin to be believe that any interaction on Twitter or Facebook or Four Square will replace any face to face interaction.  We can use this media to encourage and meet people where they are at so that we can invite them into deeper relationship with Jesus.
Just as the Church is expanding to embrace Social Media we are also expanding our definition of “all”.  At some points in Church history “all” meant all men or all those who were circumcised or those who happened to have fairer skin or the list goes on.  I am proud to be in a Church that is continuing the work to expand that “all” to as many members of the Queer community as want to be part of it. Two resolutions passed today that will grant Transgender people full equality within the Church.  We also approved A049, which will create a blessing for Same Sex Unions.
In his sermon tonight Bishop Gene Robinson reminded us that God is calling us to be people that live in tents.  He went on to say that in this Hebrew's passage Paul is talking about the fact that we are transient and we only dream of the foundation that God is creating for us.  Our calling is to be people that are constantly moving to the new inclusion and full love that God is calling us to. 
In including members of the Queer community in our Church and in moving onto the internet the Church is moving out of her comfort Zone.  We are becoming a Church that is taking Jesus to the people rather than expecting he people to come to us.

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