Sunday, January 31, 2010

My life

My life seems a little boring right now. I mean I know about the "reverse" culture shock and all. But I had forgotten just how much difficult and depressing it really is. It is hard to go back to things when nothing is quite the same, but yet it doesn't feel all that different either.

I have quite a bit of time on my hands. So I have been watching TV. I just gorged myself on Torchwood. It is a spin off of the amazing British Sci-fi show, Doctor Who. In the past week I have watched all three seasons. I'm slightly ashamed to admit it - although the British seasons are not nearly as long as the American seasons, so it's only like watching a season and a half of an American show - or at least I tell myself that so I don't feel so horrible about it. And one of the season's was only 5 episodes. So that hardly even counts, right?

It is easy to overindulge when there is nothing stopping me. I have to work a few hours on my website for the WCC, but that is the only activity that I HAVE to do during the week. That and walk my dog. That is why I am going to start volunteering. Starting next week I am going to volunteer. I don't know where yet, but I'm sure there are some places here that need someone. Volunteers are always helpful. I'll post more on that once I start. Wish me luck!

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