Monday, December 7, 2009

My first day of my last week

I spent the weekend in the Alps at a "chalet". I really did go to the Alps this weekend. A friend of mine's parents have a vacation apartment in this small town called St. Luc. It is the most picturesque place I've ever been. All those pictures of the snow covered mountains with the houses with the perfect snow on top of them all nicely lined up with the sloping roofs. Those pictures were probably taken in St. Luc. Although I had a wonderful time, I realized that I truly am a city girl. I mean, I loved the nature and the snow and everything - but I would much prefer sitting in the peace and quiet of a coffee shop in a big city knowing that there are a thousand people walking past the door of the coffee shop that will never come in, and may never even know it exists.

I think that my coffee shop experience and going away to "nature" serve the same purpose. At least they do for me. I am reminded of how insignificant I am and how blessed I am. When I'm staring at those huge mountains that God created I realize just how little I really am. How fragile my life is. I see for an instant that the World is so much bigger than what I'm doing or my problems or my life. I also see that in the bottom of my coffee cup. I hear that as I listen to people talk in coffee shops about their lives and their problems and their gods. I am reminded of how blessed I am and how insignificant my life is. But also how important it is - to me and to God.

Sorry I don't have any pictures yet. I haven't taken them off my camera. Today was the first day of my last week at work.

1 comment:

  1. It may feel that way looking up at the towering sky (as clear as it must be in Switzerland) but you are in no way insignificant my friend. No way at all.
