Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Tomorrow, November 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

I have bee working on a project now for a while with the WCC about eliminating violence against women. Originally we were planning to have this project coincide with Advent, which is the Church season that leads up to Christmas. I believe it starts this upcoming Sunday. However, due to technical reasons we decided to postpone our Bible Study until Lent 2010. (Lent is the Church season leading up to Easter - it is longer 6 weeks vs. 4 weeks - but the timing is much better).

However, in preparation for tomorrow we have been preparing a "test" week of our website. We have made what is the first week of our six week Bible Study. What is even better is that you can go look at it! http://women.overcomingviolence.org Please go check it out and tell all your friends about it.

Last week I did most of the work getting everything up there. This week I have a little bit left to do. Of course, we have only gotten one week up - one of six. So there is still a lot of work to be done. I am so excited about having this page done! I am really proud of it. I think it will be a good study. I hope that people will be able to use it in their Churches and that women will feel empowered by watching these videos and by reading the Bible that we can actually make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. website looks good.

    amnesty international just released a report on the status of women in Tajikistan. you might be able to incorporate that into a future "week" entry on the site. I'm sure you can find the actual report on the amnesty web site (they occasionally have downloadable pdf's) - i just read a summary of it on the bbc news site.

