Tuesday, September 28, 2010

quick update about my arrival and first impressions

I made it safely to Guatemala. I am living with a host family. They have two kids, an 18 year old daughter and a 15 year old son. (there could be a third, but I haven´t met him yet and I´m not really clear with
what´s been told to me).
I arrived in Guatemala city at about 7 am this morning. I had absolutely no problems going through customs and getting money. In fact, I actually made it to the bus station in time for the 8 o´clock bus (I had been planning on taking the 10:30 one). I rode that for about four hours, then figured out how to call the number of my school and they picked me up about 15 minutes later to take me to my host family.

The host family has been really nice so far. They made an interesting lunch with a fried cake of yuca root.

It is pretty cold and rainy here. It has been raining and chilly since I arrived. I think I´ll have to buy another sweater, at least. I don´t think this is normal because everyone is mentioning how cold it is.

Also, I realize how much Spanish I understand but I have a very hard time even constructing basic sentences. So we´ll see. The daughter, Diana sat with me before lunch and was very patient with me. It is necessary. There are also two Canadian girls staying in the house with me. One of them is leaving tomorrow and then I´ll move into the room she has, which apparently is bigger and more comfortable. Although, after a five hour nap this afternoon, I feel pretty
comfortable in the small room.

So I´ve made it safely and I am so glad I´m here! There is nothing like looking at a new country for the first time. I´ll never be able to see Guatemala for the first time again. It´s an exhilerating feeling!

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