Sunday, July 11, 2010

hard work

I have a post that I wrote a few months ago that I haven't published yet. I will publish it soon - I am waiting on some news before I put my life and what I've been doing out for God and the whole world to see. Suffice it to say, I'm waiting to see if I'll be offered a job.

I am also applying for other jobs - here in Austin and elsewhere. I am ready to have a career. I think I felt for a moment that my time in Geneva was the beginning of career - and it well may be - but I miss being in a professional setting with people who are passionate about what they do.
I do love my job now, and I'm very passionate about coffee - but I don't think that my job as a Barista is making the world a better place.

A few months ago a young girl (about 10) left us some artwork after she and her dad left the cafe. Apparently she had been impressed with how hard I worked. The drawing showed me and my coworker making coffee and taking money. It was very good for a 10 year old. I still think about what she wrote, though. She wrote "Dear Hard Worker, how hard you work has nothing to do with how much you earn." She went on to leave us a special 'thank you' - in the form of this drawing.

I still think about that. I never have (and hopefully never will) base how hard I work on how much I'm being paid. I do my best and I take pride in what I do. Of course, I like being paid well - but to me doing your best is the only option. When you're getting paid minimum wage or $100/hour. The pay you earn is irrelevant to how hard you work.

I suppose I'm just thinking about all of this because this kind of approach makes it very hard to say what I 'deserve' to be paid. When I'm applying for jobs I am never sure how much to ask for in a salary.

I will update more soon, hopefully very soon, about job offers and my future.

1 comment:

  1. hai dont know if I should write this it might seem silly but am happy to read your miracle it was just tooo nice na thank god he brought your prayer a life but why he doesnt give a single miracle in life
    may be he has and I had not taken notice of that
    nice to read the blog
