Thursday, August 6, 2009

My French Class...

I have so many adjectives I can use to complete that sentence.

My French class is amazing.
My French class is tiring.
My French class is kicking my butt.

I like the last one the best. I was placed into C15. (If you know the European standard for foreign languages that is on the high end of advanced - there is an A, B, and C, just up to 20). I think it is exactly where I need to be. Although my spoken French is decent, my written French is "pas terrible". I have no idea between when you would use the conditional and the imparfait and I didn't know until last night that there was even a tense called the future anterior. Beyond not knowing how to use them, I couldn't identify them in a sentence. I have trouble telling if a sentence is in the past, present or future. let alone talking about the mood of the verb. (This word mood here does not mean if the verb is happy or sad about being conjugated - I personally think the verbs fell violated being conjugated all the time like this in so many ways, it's just not natural).

My class has about 20 students. We are from all over the world. Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America. We don't have any Africans. We only communicate in French. French. None of us are native speakers, but it is our (excuse the pun) lingua franca. We use this as a way to express ourselves to get to know each other to learn about the language. We often use hand gestures. (You know the thing that is like this -imagine my hands going in a big circle).

Overall, I am very happy I am taking this class. It is a good break from the Ecumenical Centre. (Plus I am not going to be there during the WCC Central Committee meeting, which is coming up soon!)

I have already met some amazing people and I am looking forward to the rest of this course.

1 comment:

  1. about the conjugation - you should read one of the appendixes of mark twains book "a tramp abroad". the appendix is called "the awful german language". its hilarious.
