Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guns are bad

I just read this article in the Telegraph (a newspaper from the UK). Apparently, during a lavish wedding celebration the uncle of the bride was very excited and got his gun out to fire a celebratory shot and he ended up shooting the groom in the head. What was supposed to be the happiest day of this woman's life ended up being the saddest.

I grew up in Louisiana where people thought that firing guns was a great way to celebrate all sorts of things. Every year on the news there were stories of people being killed by the bullets on their way back down.

Of course no one meant to hurt anyone, but guns are designed for causing harm, they are not designed for the thrill they give people. (Although, I cannot say that there is or is not a thrill as I have never shot a gun myself). If people had decided to use guns for their intended purpose these people would still be alive today. I'm not very pro-gun, but I understand that people have a right to have guns, especially for hunting, however, firing guns, even up into the air, in crowded situations does not sound very smart to me.

I am saddened because people die unnecessarily every year.

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