Thursday, November 10, 2011

What is the purpose of the Food Table?

I didn't go to Occupy Austin two nights ago. Instead I watched some of the GA on the livestream (along with 55 others). I tuned in just in time to see the end of a very heated debate about the food table. (The same food table that many occupiers were arrested to defend over Halloween weekend).

I assume that there was some sort of incident between the people receiving the food and the people giving the food. (I missed this part). Apparently, someone proposed removing the food table for one week. I can see how some of the occupiers might see the food table as the problem. If you see it as a service that the occupiers are providing for the homeless, you could see it as superfluous, as a favor that occupiers are providing for others. It is something that can be taken away as a punishment when those that are eating do not respect those that are serving.

However, if you recognize that people are hungry because of the way the 1% has rigged our system than feeding people is the first step in changing that inequality. We are in solidarity with ALL of the 99%. Many of those are our homeless brothers and sisters. The food table is a symbol of our commitment to equality for all.

I do have a critique of the way Occupy Austin is serving the food. The food is being served at the official Occupation site, which is City Hall. However, the GA's are being held at a separate site to accommodate the 38 people that are no longer allowed on City Hall property due to Criminal Trespassing charges. The food is supposed to be served at 6:30. The food fairy often arrives over half an hour late. In effect the GA and dinner are at the same time. For many of us, myself included, this is not a problem. I do not eat the food the Occupation is providing anyway. For those that are depending on the food provided as their meals this is a serious problem. These Occupiers are, de facto, being forced to choose between food and the GA. Although the GA is important, if I were in their shoes I would choose food, too. Therefore certain people within the Occupy movement are being disenfranchised of their participation. I do not think this is malicious or intended to harm. The timing of the distribution is setting up a two tier system.

People in the GA talk about their commitment to all people, but are not looking at how to make that a reality in small, practical ways. Perhaps I will propose that the dinner time bet changed. I am going to talk to the food magnet to see why the food is being served so late and if there is anyway it can be served earlier.

The Food Table is an important, and symbolic, part of the Occupy movement. I'm ashamed that someone thought of taking it away as a 'punishment'. As if we were giving food to people because they deserve food. We are giving food because people are hungry. I am also ashamed that we have not yet addressed the ways that our choices have had these unintended consequences which silence the voice of many members of the movement.

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